Print (CMYK) vs Screen (RGB) ?!
Ah ha! The 2nd lesson , Teryi ( Teryi boss !) wakaka.. hahaha .. shhh....Taught us about different of CMYK and RGB .
------------Just------a---------Short note-------for -----me-----------------
CMYK (subtractive color)- Just for printed
- color method based upon pigments
- wouldn't help if want brighter.
RGB(Additional color)
- Based pon ligjt
- for screen ( example : TV.. computer...)
- Num of bitmaps
- Function: To represent the color of a single pixel. (bit 越高,颜色越多)
**Check Bits : File -> Save for Web ( CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + S )
------------How Bout------Resolution Measurement ? ---?-------------------
1.Screen resolution~ is the physical num of columnar row of pixel
2.Web site
~ create a web site, must rmb to minus task bar, scorball, tab bar, browser framer, bookmarks ( 9 Pixel )
~ 1024 x 768 for normal resolution
* Pixel per Inch (PPI ) for Computer ( more detail )
**Dot per Inch (DPI) for printer
--------------Pixel per Inch------- or ------- Pixel Density --------------
- measurement of the resolution of devices in various contexts
- text -> pixel 越小,越好
- image -> pixel 越高,越好
**if the image is small, and want to enlarge.
rmb to click... ( hard edges )
----------------- My short note----------- finish ------------------------
Now I more understand about those Screen resolution of web site.. Pixel.. Printer and bla bla bla..haha.. XD
Here is the < pixel art website > that can visit =)
pixelmuseum ....nitrome ...Zanpo... ...megapont.... ...Pixeljoint